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Dogs + Medical Conditions

  • A portosystemic shunt causes a bypass of blood from the gastrointestinal tract directly into the systemic circulation, avoiding the normal detoxifying process that happens in the liver and reducing nutrient input into the liver. Liver shunts can be congenital defects (failure of closure of the ductus venosus or inappropriate vascular development) or acquired (development of extra vessels caused by portal vein hypertension). Clinical signs include failure to thrive (runt), head pressing or other neurological signs especially after high protein meals, delay in anesthetic recovery, increased urination, and vomiting or diarrhea. CBC and biochemistry can be altered in a dog with a portosystemic shunt (e.g., microcytic anemia, low BUN, glucose, elevated ALT) and urinalysis can show abnormal crystals and possibly infection. Bile acids will be elevated. CT, ultrasound, or other more advanced imaging will confirm and locate the shunt. Initial treatment includes a change to a low protein diet, lactulose to absorb ammonia and other toxins, and antibiotics to change the bacterial population of the intestines. Some dogs do well with medical management; however, many need surgical treatment to gradually close off the shunt. Surgery is very successful and dogs return to normal in 2-4 months.

  • Telemedicine is the act of practicing medicine from a distance and your appointment will be conducted by a licensed veterinarian. Before your appointment, gather information on your pet’s history and your current concern. Look at a calendar and write down a timeline of your pet’s problems. Be prepared to answer questions that you would normally be asked at an in-person appointment. Write notes to help you remember everything. Most telemedicine appointments involve the use of some type of video chat. Conduct your visit in a quiet area with good lighting and have your pet with you before the call starts. Not all concerns can be addressed through telemedicine. If your veterinarian is unable to arrive at a diagnosis via telemedicine, he or she can help you determine the next step for your pet to ensure that he or she receives optimal care.

  • The American Animal Hospital Association and American Veterinary Medical Association have established guidelines to standardize preventive health care for dogs, helping them to live longer, healthier lives. This handout provides an overview of the recommendations within these guidelines and why they are so important.

  • The pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) gene, if mutated, can contribute to increased body fat and body weight and increased food motivation in affected dogs. At this time, this gene mutation has only been found in the Labrador Retriever and Flat-coated Retriever and affects the majority of those working as service dogs. This handout explains how the POMC gene mutation was discovered, how it impacts affected dogs, and how you can support your dog if affected.

  • Bone Diseases of Growing Dogs

    Una cojera es una alteración de la marcha y su causa más frecuente es la aparición de dolor en alguna extremidad. Dado que los cachorros y los perros jóvenes son por naturaleza muy activos, la mayoría de las cojeras son transitorias y desaparecen rápidamente con restricción del ejercicio.

  • Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), is a group of degenerative diseases that affect photoreceptor cells in the eyes. With this disease, the cells deteriorate over time, eventually leading to blindness. There are two main forms of PRA recognized in dogs: an early-onset, inherited form called retinal dysplasia, and a late-onset form. PRA is an inherited disease that occurs in many breeds of dogs. When a dog develops PRA, it should be removed from the breeding program, along with its parents and siblings. As PRA progresses, your dog's vision gradually worsens until he becomes completely blind. There is currently no effective treatment for PRA.

  • Prostatic disease can be uncomfortable for a dog, particularly if it causes compression of the urethra or colon. Because there are many diseases of the prostate, it is necessary to perform several tests to determine the exact cause of a patient's condition. This handout provides explanations of the seven most common conditions affecting the prostate and the corresponding approaches to treatment.

  • The word enteropathy means any disease of the intestinal system. Protein-losing enteropathy (PLE) is not a specific disease, but rather describes a group of diseases that cause the loss of proteins from the bloodstream into the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

  • Pruritus (itching) is a very common skin disorder that can be seen due to allergies or infections affecting the skin. The condition may be resolved if an underlying cause can be identified. Consult your veterinarian about what can be tested for and what treatments can be effective for relief.

  • Pulmonary hypertension means that the peak blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs is much higher than normal. Several abnormalities can lead to high blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs and many of the underlying reasons involve the heart. There are many signs of pulmonary hypertension including exercise intolerance, difficulty breathing with or without exertion/exercise, rapid breathing, coughing, spitting up blood from the lungs, fainting, and more. There are many potential causes of pulmonary hypertension. Several medications are available to treat your dog. It is important to maintain a low-stress environment while any underlying cardiac or respiratory disease is treated and managed. Activity may need to be restricted. It is essential to monitor dogs with pulmonary hypertension for worsening of clinical signs. Periodic physical examinations, blood pressure monitoring, and ultrasound evaluations of the heart will also be important. The long-term prognosis is very guarded for dogs with pulmonary hypertension.